There was nothing to cancel since I received one set of tickets. Sesame Place response was that I did not cancel the transaction. I have my ******* ********* and **** statements to prove the duplication charges. Subsequently, I contaced ***** *** regarding this duplication error. Upon my return home I received my **** card statement and realized I was charged by **** and ****************. I received ONE confirmation and email from Sesame Place on the tickets purchased. Since I could not proceed further I entered my **************** card for the same 3 day stay. My ********** card was initially declined becasue I did not rspond timely to the text asking if the transaction was legitimate. On 6/26/22 online tickets/reservations were purchased with Sesame Place Park, Langhorne, PA for a three day stay 7/7/22, 7/8/22 and 7/9/22.

So yesterday I had drove 8 hours with my children to go to sesame place this was planned out and when we get there the lady at the gate tells us you better off person soon the tickets online because they're cheaper because it was $100 a piece at the gate and I said okay thank you so we go to set up an account so we can purchase some tickets online but the thing kept saying error when I was trying to purchase the tickets and it said I just assume it didn't purchase it at all cuz that's what it said when I take the online thing as well so we decided to come back home he was like we'll just try to plan something else now mind you we stay all the way in Detroit Michigan so we're on our way home and at one of the rest stops I decided to check my email and I get an email from sesame place saying that I purchase tickets and I'm like no I didn't because it said I didn't so I tried to click the app to see what it's talking about cuz it says sign up with that you see a purchase or whatever so I tried to look at it and it says no tickets found no purchase found so I'm like what the **** are they talking about so I tracked I checked my credit card statement and it's a hundred and twenty nine dollars charge to my credit card from sesame place but I'm like how is that possible when it's telling me I don't have a purchase and it's not showing upp so I decided to try to call customer service I'm on hold for a very long time so I decided to you know wait until today because the day was already ending the place was closing and I'm like okay so let me call tomorrow and remind you we're still on the road I called today and the lady would let me tell whats going on and listen to me or whatever and then she would say the exact same thing oh I'm sorry we can't refund you I'm like but I'm halfway home and I need my refund I have five kids and we're halfway home we playing this out and like there's nothing we can do I'm not about to drive 6 hours back to go to sesame place when I was I was